Elevate Your Plate with Nutrient-Dense Beef

Steaks on a grill

Elevate your dining experience with our nutrient-dense beef. Are you seeking satisfaction with every bite? Pairing our beef with a fine wine, conveniently delivered to your doorstep, creates a culinary masterpiece. Imagine savoring a glass of wine that perfectly complements a juicy steak or tender beef stew. It’s a symphony of flavors that will leave you dancing with delight. Don’t miss out on this ultimate indulgence – order now and experience the transformative power of nutrient-dense beef.

Indulge in the Perfect Pairing: Nutrient-Dense Beef and Fine Wines, Delivered Straight to You

Compared to grain-finished beef, meat that has been fed and finished on grass has 20% less calories. There are significant amounts of metabolites and phytonutrients in beef that is raised and processed on grass. Plants are home to more than 26,000 phytonutrients. This leads to a healthy diet. Grass-fed and Grass-finished beef is 20% lower in calories than grain-finished beef.

Unlock the Secrets of Nutrient-Dense Beef: The Superfood Protein You Need

Benefits include:

  1. Reduced high blood pressure
  2. Reduced inflammation
  3. Improved digestion
  4. Balanced Gut-Microbiom


We have no problem going against the grain, driven to share our vision of an Earthy-trust. Committed to sharing food that will only nourish your body, mind, soul; and tastes damn good in the process! HERE!

Author: Jana

Posted On: February 23, 2024 @ 10:03 pm